Oct 5, 11:29 PM
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Oct 9, 8:37 PM
May 2019
Pretty solid OP, mostly due to the instrumentation, which really pops. Nice rhythm.
We start off introduced to one of our leads, a boy named Nishimi who seems to disdain everything and everyone around him. This is Nishimi, who is quite the student, apparently, and disdained himself for his family's wealth. He's approached in a friendly manner by Maruo, who is himself a sort of nerdy outcast, who warns him about a thug named Kawabuchi that sits behind him. He also meets Ritsuko, the class rep who shows him around. Nishimi warms to her quickly, but takes a baseball to the back of the head while they're walking.
He apparently has a problem with nausea, and while running to the roof (I guess to get his bearings to restore his sense of balance?), he runs into a thuggish guy resting on some chairs. This is Sentaro. This mad lad puts his body on the line in a fistfight to get a hold of the key to the roof and manages the feat. He tries charging Nishimi for it, only for him to run away.
Turns out, Kawabuchi is Sentaro, who quickly relocates behind Nishimi in their class. The two head up to the roof together in the pouring rain. We learn Sentaro is a delinquent (could've guessed that) and a bit of a free spirit. Dude's also a jazz drummer, and Nishimi is a pianist, which he picked up from his father. The end result of all this is, somehow, a happier Nishimi with no nausea.
We meet Mariko (Nishimi's cousin) at his house, where he plays Clair de Lune until his aunt makes him stop. Apparently, he now lives with his aunt and uncle, since his mother left a long time ago and his father is largely absent.
Nishimi ends up invited to Ritsuko's family record shop looking for piano music and finds himself in a jazz music studio, where Sentaro has been hanging out. And yeah, that drum work of his looks and sounds great. I can see why this show gets praised for its music. They argue about jazz and swing, and Nishimi ends up buying a jazz record rather than classical music, fixating on Satoru's drums.
Seems the slope is functioning more like a horizon, something Sentaro is always running towards.
Some interesting relationships in this one, particularly between Nishimi and Sentaro who seem like they'll clash more often than not.
ED's fine, decent vocals.
whiteflame55Oct 9, 8:46 PM
Oct 10, 3:25 AM
Jun 2019
Guessing he might've been bullied or gone through trauma as gets very anxious and wants to puke.
Nishimi seems taken by the class president, Ritsuko (Riko).
Nishimi meets Sentaro, quite the pair of opposites, then we get a brawl on the rooftop with some cool jazz.
You can tell from her manner that Riko is concerned about Sentaro, chiding him for his actions and brawling.
Riko straight up calls Nishimi 'pretty'.
Sentaro is the typical delinquent, apart from the fact he plays drums, and Nishimi is a rich boy with backstory (mother left and raised by absent father). Very annoyingly the dub contains san-chan-kun suffixes, sounds extra weird in English.
Riko is very familiar with Nishimi and Sentaro.
Dude can play the drums.
These two guys could be interesting. You can see immediately where the love triangle could go Nishimi>Riko>Sentaro, who isn't really interested.
Like the historical setting.
Oct 10, 8:38 AM
May 2019
There are definitely some similarities between this show and Blue Giant, which had a similar dynamic between its leads (one very jazzy and impromptu and the other very much by the book). Nishimi definitely struggles with moving out of his regimented comfort zone, but he's absolutely drawn to it, even if his first inclination is to just copy what he's hearing on his new record (have to start somewhere). He's not having any luck with his classmates, though, getting tied up to a statue and threatened with violence. This seems like it's the result of jealousy over how close he's gotten to Ritsuko in a short time. Ritsuko notices them, and Sentaro crashes the party with a flying kick. Quite the Chad. Nishimi refuses to stand idly by this time, and though he's about as unsuccessful as it gets (dude's never had a fight in his life, clearly), their combined efforts give them the win. There's definitely more of a sense of common cause between them this episode, with Sentaro bringing Nishimi further into his orbit and introducing him to an older boy, Brother Jun.
Jun plays the trumpet, the store owner the cello, and yes, they make beautiful music together. Times like these make me regret not learning to play an instrument. That meticulously animated finger work is striking as well. For the first time, Nishimi gets into the swing of things a bit and is invited to play with them again.
We bring some religion to this show as Ritsuko and Sentaro are at church on a Sunday morning. They seem pretty devout. Afterwards, Nishimi and the two of them head to the library and then on a rowboat. Yeah, that love triangle seems like it's a thing. There's a lot of history between Ritsuko and Sentaro, and when the former mentions that the latter is special for wearing a cross because he's "made for the ch-" before getting cut off, there's definitely something going on. They swim together (yes, Ritsuko looks pretty cute in that bathing suit) and Ritsuko and Sentaro really do behave like older brother and sister. They end up on a different beach than where they started because Nishimi wanted to pilot for a bit, and there Sentaro ends up rescuing a girl being accosted by some random toughs who end up knowing him by reputation and leave. Sentaro clearly has a love at first sight moment with her. So maybe a love quadrilateral?
Oct 11, 5:32 AM
Jun 2019
I do love a good bit of jazz, like the wild jazz in Treasure Island or the smooth jazz of the Ashita no Joe S2 OP2, or that Pink Panther themed bit of jazz in Samurai Flamenco. I sometimes listen to deep blues improv on youtube when I want something soulful in the background when I'm cooking. But I know i don't have the ear to play. Probably mentioned this before, I played the trumpet for a bit, also the piano, up to grade 2 for the trumpet and grade 4 for piano, but got bored quickly. Instruments were no competition for girlfriends in my young eyes. My brother otoh was a concert playing clarinet player, and above grade 8 on piano. He was also in a choir that got to no 1 in the USA as the backing vocals for a country music guy, can't remember his name. He was the musician in the family, although it was all classical. But yeah, when you see people come together to play you wish you could as well, but it takes a lot of practice, something I didn't have the patience for.
Nishimi is hooked on the jazz sound. Impressive being able to play by ear, listening then copying.
Didn't notice this show had the josei tag. Also has love polygon so guessing you're right, it's going to be messy Nishimi>Riko>Sentaro>new girl
Fair play to Nishimi for having a go in the fight, even if he didn't do much but fall over and splash some water.
You can't but like Sentaro, especially when the first thing he asks about is Nishimi's fingers. He's the same type mould as Yabuki Joe from Ashita no Joe, but not quite as devil-may-care or charismatic. Joe is the original bad boy and all subsequent delinquents walk in his shadow, imho.
I love live sessions. There's a really memorable one in either Whisper of the Heart, or Cat Returns, where a group get together and play, although not jazz. Do you know a band called Explosions in the Sky, Texas band if memory serves and they just did a bunch of live sessions, recorded them and released them, they're wonderful.
Did not expect church to be an aspect of this show and for Riko and Sentaro to attend. Christian churches feel weird in Japanese settings. I know there's a strong Christian movement in certain areas where missionaries first landed back when Japan opened its borders, but it's still very few people out of the total population. I think Sentaro is wearing a rosary, so must be Catholics, also the veil, that's only something the more orthodox denominations do iirc.
A Christian delinquent, who likes jazz, maybe Sentaro isn't your run of the mill delinquent character type.
Made for the church, wonder what that means?
You definitely get a brother-sister vibe from Riko and Sentaro, who are childhood friends from the sound of the anecdote about them bathing together as kids.
I like the visual aesthetic, clean with more realistic facial proportions and bright colours.
Sentaro saves a girl from being harassed on the beach and instantly falls for her, I can see why.
Good 2nd ep.
Oct 11, 1:55 PM
May 2019
Cool that you played trumpet and piano, even for a little bit. I'm not familiar with the grading system, but it sounds like your brother is an excellent pianist. My wife also plays the piano and flute.
Episode 3
Yep, Sentaro's got it bad for this new girl, Yurika, who is a year ahead of them. Nishimi's a good wingman, bringing Sentaro a great deal of info on her. Wonder where he got all that. Sentaro's completely out of his element here, and yeah, Nishimi wants to get him out of the way so he can pursue Ritsuko, so he has an ulterior motive. We go to Sentaro's house, which has a handful of small kids (his younger siblings) and his mother there. He seems like a doting older brother, and he's got a pigeon to boot that he calls Sara and his girlfriend.
They plan a group date, but Sentaro nearly chickens out from asking Yurika out. A note helps somewhat. She's receptive, but Sentaro asserts that Nishimi asked her out. Dude choked. They meet up with Ritsuko and, due to the misunderstanding, she believes Nishimi asked Yurika out (probably to her relief). The girls seem friendly enough at first. They start talking jazz and Sentaro refuses an opportunity to play for Yurika, but readily wraps her arm in a bandage from a scratch. Ritsuko quickly notices how Sentaro treats her and retreats a bit in obvious anxiety over it, running off to cry by herself in frustration. Yep, almost a complete love polygon assuming Yurika falls for Nishimi.
Nishimi knows how Ritsuko feels, though, and does his best to spare her feelings, which leads to a confrontation with Sentaro. Ritsuko misunderstands Nishimi's feelings, thinking that he's interested in Yurika and puts herself down. It's moments like these you just want to take someone by the shoulders and shake them because a single sentence from Nishimi to Sentaro and Ritsuko could resolve this, particularly since he's aware of their feelings. Nishimi and Sentaro are made to make up by being pushed into playing together, not a bad play from where Ritsuko is sitting. And yes, we get some good music from the two of them as they fall into each other's rhythms.
Later, Nishimi stumbles in on what looks like an intimate moment between Yurika and Sentaro. That transitions to him deciding to play a song he has prepared for Ritsuko, but I'll take the songs where I can get them. Notably, he has a drawing of Ritsuko on his music, and at last, he confesses his feelings. No immediate response, but well done sir.
Jun 2019
Oh, I see you hit 10,000 eps, congrats!
Episode 3. It's always amusing seeing someone's personality dissolve when they fall for a person, both in stories and irl.
We meet Sentaro's family, looks hectic with 4 young kids running, about twice as hectic as our house. We have the baby bottles, drawings, toys etc strewn all over the living room too.
As you said, Nishimi supports Sentaro in his romantic endeavour, but partly out of self interest so he can have time with Riko.
Sentaro falls to pieces asking Yurika out and ends up saying Nishimi wanted to ask her out. If Yurika ends up liking Nishimi it'll be a love circle; Nishimi>Riko>Sentaro>Yurika>Nishimi, what a mess. But I think she knew it was actually Sentaro trying to ask her out, his body language was a dead giveaway.
It's quite obvious to all of them that Sentaro likes Yurika, Riko notices and despite being asked out by Nishimi so does Yurika. I think she's intrigued by Sentaro, even asking to hear him play the drums.
Riko runs off and Nishimi suddenly gets it, she loves Sentaro.
It is frustrating, Nishimi could easily clarify that he doesn't like Yurika, but I get why Nishimi holds back from saying anything about Riko's feelings, not really his place to say.
Expression through music is art, love it.
I think Sentaro was modelling for Yurika, but they looked like they were about to kiss, she defo likes him back.
Nishimi plays a lovely little piece and then opens up to Riko telling her that it's her he likes. I do appreciate that this show has gotten right to it on the romance front, no dithering, and misunderstandings only lasted scant amount of screentime.
23feanorOct 12, 4:33 AM
Oct 12, 3:52 AM
Oct 2024
Already watched this anime years ago, most likely right before it finished airing. It was good enough, I think I gave it a high score like an 8 out of 10. I don't remember much of it though, but right now I'm not eager for a re-watch so I'll leave it at that.
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Oct 12, 8:22 PM
May 2019
Episode 4
Looks like our foursome will be playing at a bar in a month. They play together pretty decently, but Nishimi's clearly a little slow and hesitant, focusing on playing things perfectly rather than just going with the flow.
Nishimi confronts Sentaro about the modeling affair. which apparently wasn't as romantic as it looked, with Yurika just ordering Sentaro around a bit.
Riko and Nishimi's relationship is heating up, with the latter stealing a kiss that ends in the former running away crying. Yeah... bit fast, dude.
Nishimi is made to play for guests at home. There's a burden on him to perform musically and academically. No wonder he always feels the need to be just right. It's also apparent (as it has been from the start) that his home life is not a happy one and that, despite his family being pretty well off, he envies those around him with loving families. The feelings that contribute to that make him lash out against Sentaro, who he also sees as standing in the way of his affections for Riko and making her depressed, but they are still friends. It's a complicated relationship despite its short length.
They have a heart-to-heart where we find out Sentaro has mixed ethnicities, partially coming from an American background where he was abused by kids in the neighborhood and his grandmother, who hates her own daughter for giving birth to him (his father was apparently an American soldier who didn't stay) and dies hateful. His uncle (that seems to be who he is) even turns on him after she passes due to some unknown illness, her blood all over Sentaro in her last gasps of life. Damn, that's traumatizing. This is when Sentaro turned to Christianity, taking the rosary his mother left behind and wearing it regularly. This is when he started fighting back against bullies, and when his uncle (now adoptive father) leaves. Absent fathers are a strong point of connection between these two.
So, practice continues in earnest until the night at the bar. Yurika and Riko show up to listen, and though it takes a bit for them to get going, they all pick up the pace. Nice to see Nishimi in particular coming into his own on stage. Doesn't help that a racist heckles them from the audience, resulting in Sentaro storming off while the others play something softer. Looks like this love polygon is getting another side as Yurika seems drawn to Brother Jun, and he to her. That won't end well.
Oct 13, 4:19 AM
Jun 2019
I wonder how watching weekly will change my feelings for the show, and your experience in general. With most longer running shows I usually binge the first 20-30 eps to get a feel for it, and while I did like Ranma from the start I wasn't bowled over. By ep 70 ish I was really getting into it and when I finished at ep 161 I didn't want it to end and could've watched another 161 eps.
Episode 4. Nishimi having trouble letting go of his perfectionist classical background and adapting to improv jazz, more a personality trait of his than a skill issue.
'surrounded by people, but always alone', along with great expectations, of going to medical school paint a bleak picture of Nishimi's home environment.
I really like the soft bossa nova type jazz OST, just sounds lovely.
That kiss came out of nowhere, but I really like the balls on Nishimi, he felt it in the moment and just acted. Ofc ideally both of you need to be in the same moment, but hey props for the effort.
Nishimi takes his frustrations out on Sentaro, saying he wouldn't understand him as he has a happy family and all Nishimi has is a big house, but no happy family or place to belong. Then we get Sentaro's background and he's a halfu, with his father an American soldier who left, and thus he got bullied by his grandma and other kids. Sounds like his mother left as well, maybe driven out by the grandma, and he was left with the uncle (although he refers to him as his dad) and aunt. Now just his aunt. He feels like he doesn't really have a place in that home, just like Nishimi.
Wow, that was a brilliant little piece of improv, wonder whether the musicians who created the music for it were just told 'go a little wild'.
Racist guy who doesn't like 'coon music', haven't heard that that term in a long while (since reading To Kill a Mockingbird at school likely), breaks up the music, asking for 'something white'. There's always one.
The guy who did the singing in the dub for that end song, was pretty damn good, smooth voice.
And yeah that sparkle in Yurika's eyes, she's fallen for that smooth voice. So our polygon expands; Nishimi>Riko>Sentaro>Yurika><Brother Jun.
'sometimes life is like jazz and goes in an unexpected direction', very wise words. We as an audience, tend to like things neat, scripted and to have direction, but real life isn't like that and josei shows tends to reflect real life better than most, the romance here being a good example.
That was another good ep. I'm invested in these guys, and not for the romance, just like the characters.
Also noticed each ep is 23:23 long, very auspicious for me, being a follower of the religion of 23, lol.
Oct 13, 8:13 PM
May 2019
Episode 5
Riko still seems pretty affected by the other day with that kiss. Meanwhile, Yurika's showing up to watch their jam sessions, which introduces romantic tension with her at the center.
Nishimi, after striking out with Riko, starts helping Sachiko (Sentaro's sister), and helps her a bit with a tin can telephone. Riko steps in after overhearing Nishimi's apology, and with the little bit of distance, finds the strength to tell him her feelings... just as Sentaro enters the room. She remains vague about who she likes, so Sentaro doesn't catch on, but she's worried that she hurt Nishimi. And, yeah, it affects the band and his mood, even after his father returns. Sentaro, never being one to let things like this stand, literally jumps in through his window to try to convince him to return to playing with the band.
Then, something unexpected happens: Nishimi gets a chance to see his mother. Sentaro convinces him to go see her, for better or worse, and decides to come along on a whim, spending over his limit. Dude's such a good friend. Turns out his mother doesn't work there today, so they go to see Brother Jun... who hasn't been back to his apartment in ages. Luckily, they run into a couple of guys who live near there and get drunk with them, leading to some jibes from Nishimi aimed at Sentaro that largely just show how close they are, even if Nishimi's unwilling to admit it.
That night, Nishimi runs into his mother by accident and she pays for their dinner. She seems nostalgic and frustrated at herself. Love the shot of her legs retreating from Nishimi, a sign of her nervousness without a statement of it, and her tears express her regret quite well. They devolve into laughter after a question about his love interest, and all the tension is gone for this one moment, each of them letting their barriers come down. He brings her a jazz record the next day, and though she doesn't know what to do with it, it's a point of connection between them now. She thanks him for coming, thankful to be able to see him again. They don't get closure, but he gets an "I'm sorry."
Nishimi rejoins the band, able to move beyond his frustrations for now.
Oct 14, 5:19 AM
Jun 2019
Episode 5. Wonder if that was Riko's first kiss and that's why she's so perturbed, she was hoping it would be with Sentaro.
Yurika being present at jam sessions is going to cause all sorts of romantic tension. I think Riko's dad had a good point that outsiders shouldn't be allowed at practice. Riko urged Yurika to attend for Sentaro's sake, I think, or is she maybe hoping Jun will hook up with her leaving Sentaro free?
I like the string idea, speaking without seeing each other, but still being physically close. So it was Riko's first kiss. Riko says she likes someone, and lets Nishimi down gently. Hey, he tried, at least he didn't have any regrets, she just likes someone else.
For some reason I thought Nishimi's mum was dead, nope she left when he was young and his dad brought him up. Nishimi's dad gives him the address where she is now, that's a really nice thing to do for his son. A lot of dads, bitter at their ex partner, might keep that info to themselves, so seems like he's got a decent dad.
Sentaro heard the first part of the exchange between Riko and Nishimi, and he did begin to ask his sister about who Riko likes, but he hasn't said anything to Nishimi directly.
Nishimi and Sentaro travel to Tokyo to visit his mum. Turns out Bro Jun is missing, eloped with Yurika maybe?
Funny seeing minors drunk in anime, so rare. Drinking does bring people closer together, social lubricant and all that.
'Friends are for life, marriages not so much', lol, isn't it supposed to be the other way around.
They meet Nismimi's mum, doesn't come across as the motherly sort mentioning straight off the bat how she likes guys with a hearty appetite, and blushing slightly whilst looking at Sentaro. They make a connection, the awkwardness came over well, little touch with the legs helped as you said. Why did you leave mum, he's brave not to ask, I would've.
After seeing his mum, Nishimi goes back to practice and faces Riko once again. I like this dude.
Oct 14, 8:36 PM
May 2019
Episode 6
Yeah, Nishimi has some real resilience to him. Thought for sure he was just going to fall down a hole of despair and retreat from others for a good long while, but he has proven that he wants these relationships, even if they aren't what he was initially hoping to have. He even says to Riko "if you're happy about it, I am, too." She doesn't get it, but it seems like Nishimi just hopes he hasn't broken what they have and is happy to hear that she wants him in class with her. It's a nice sentiment. Of course, it's possible he's just happy Sentaro's absence isn't making her unhappy, since the other boy is in a different class. He's not happy about it.
...and yeah, there's a fight in Sentaro's class almost immediately. He spots Yurika, but Nishimi runs interference to Riko's benefit. It becomes clear that Nishimi is bottling up his feelings and putting on a brave face. Not good for him long-term. Yurika, meanwhile, shows Nishimi her painting of Sentaro, which... isn't flattering and seems to put him in a disturbing light. Nishimi puts two and two together while they talk, realizing that yes, Yurika is the reason he wasn't at the boarding house for so long. Meanwhile, Sentaro's worried about Nishimi.
We meet Metsuoka, a painter of some renown and a singer at the school who is clearly pretty queer coded. He lends Sentaro some non-jazz records and Nishimi shows some jealousy, which may be warranted given that Sentaro's being scouted for another band with Metsuoka at the lead.
Riku also gives us a bit of insight into her character using the theatrical run of The Sound of Music. It's pretty clear she believes she missed any chance she had to be in a relationship with Sentaro. Nishimi continues to dissuade Sentaro from Yurika, clearly with the aim of avoiding future heartbreak for him and Rika. Probably not the best choice; people have to face their own rejection and move past it. Sentaro can clearly sense something's amiss with Yurika, even if he can't place what's wrong.
Everyone heads to the beach to dig up some clams, leading to more friction. It's pretty clear that Nishimi sees Matsuoka as someone who rallies other around him, but is not the type Nishimi would rally to, potentially leaving him alone again. Matsuoka does seem manipulative and ends up netting Sentaro for his band. A moment the others see as light, Nishimi sees as betrayal, clearly touching a painful point in his past. All the careful masks Nishimi put on throughout this episode tear away in an instant, and he rejects those around him in a fit of self-imposed isolationism.
We end on a mysterious man at a bar.
Oct 15, 5:05 AM
Jun 2019
The OP has grown on me.
I see what you mean about Nishimi running interference for Riko. He blocks Sentaro from going to talk to Yurika and sends him off with Riko to get patched up after his scuffle with his new classmates. I think the love polygon has kind of shaken out now, and the question is whether, or when, Sentaro learns about Riko's feelings for him, will he come around or pine after Yurika. We'll find out.
Yeah, Nishimi is putting on a brave face, and trying to get over his broken heart. Honestly, time is the only real healer in those situations, that or find another girl.
Sounds like Bro Jun may have indeed been with Yurika, although was he staying at her house, isn't she at highschool and living with her parents presumably?
Metsuoka, hmmm, comes across as gay and over the top. He feels like a walking trope, and doesn't quite sit with the other characters in the show if I'm honest.
That is quite surreal hearing characters talk about Sound of Music as a contemporary film, and playing the soundtrack. So events in this show must take place after 1965, which the film released. I thought it was closer to post war, similar to Rainbow.
I think Nishimi should open up and tell Sentaro his suspicions. It's a tough one either way, but personally I'd prefer if a friend clued me in on something I'd missed about a girl I liked than be left in the dark. Sometimes it is good for people to deal with these things themselves, but equally it's good to have a friend there looking out for you, having your back. Sen and Nishimi are both new to romance so it kinda depends how Sen would react to discovering the truth about Yurika and Jun, would it push him into a spiral of despair and make him hesitant the next time he liked a girl, or would he bounce back and brush it off. If the former then I'd clue him in now, so it wouldn't be so much of a shock, but it's almost impossible to predict how even a close friend reacts to romantic revelations of this nature.
Matsuoka is definitely manipulative, telling Sen what he wants to hear re Yurika. He lends him a record, which prompts a gush of jealousy from Nishimi.
I just don't like Matsuoka, his personality stands out like a sore thumb in this cast.
Sen agrees to join Matsuoka's band for the upcoming music festival, which triggers something in Nishimi relating to an earlier childhood memory where he remembers being ditched by his friendship group.
Nishimi reacts badly and reflects on his actions. Two steps forward, one step back. He's come a long way from the lonely kid in ep 1, making a friend, playing jazz, falling for Riko and confessing then kissing her. But he still stumbles, and I like that he's self aware of this fact. Hopefully he'll get over his jealousy and not cut off his nose to spite his face, but it's hard when you're hurting.
Oct 15, 10:35 AM
May 2019
Episode 7
And yeah, I agree that Matsuoka hasn't really worked as a character yet. He sticks out too much and feels more like a plot device than a personality. Even the other boys in the band whose names escape me feel more real and fleshed out.
Riko's still doing what she can for Nishimi, which the other girls in their class perceive as a relationship. Nishimi tries to nip that in the bud, and that elicits... a surprising result. He now looks approachable, so he's approached and asked questions about study habits. Is it odd that I'm amazed by how human these background characters are, rather than being a collection of tropes as they usually are? Meanwhile, Sentaro's efforts to engage with him get ignored. Nishimi nursing that grudge, though you can tell he is drawn to change things as he overhears Sentaro practicing.
Yeah, they're mourning Coltrane, which sets this in 1967.
Sentaro runs into Yurika and notices she's looking at a jazz record he associates with Brother Jun. Dude's not stupid, he knows what is going on, but he's still infatuated with her. Turns out, Brother Jun's been staying in the basement and hasn't been in the best way (he was that guy at the bar last episode). Apparently, he's been hiding from Yurika as well, who runs off crying. That earns Jun a punch from Sentaro. We aren't told what's up with Jun, but the store owner says he's not responsible for his actions now.
With a school festival coming up, Nishimi and Riko are nominated to represent and organize the class. Nishimi is readily taking up opportunities to stay busy, likely because he'd like to avoid thinking too much about what happened. Nonetheless, he learns from Riko about the punch and that it involved Yurika. Rika also directs Sentaro his way, virtually forcing Nishimi and Sentaro to interact. They're cold to start, lot of tension in that room. Nishimi wants to resolve this, but he can't seem to produce the words he needs to say.
The festival comes and the band performs. Matsuoka's singing is... fine. Not sure what he was touting so strongly. Nishimi leaves the room, unwilling to commit to returning to the jazz band when Riko asks him. He finds Yurika outside who is clearly avoiding confrontation. Nishimi is conscripted to figure out an electrical issue. Sentaro defends Matsuoka against some naysayers and explains why he joined the band, with Nishimi overhearing. He also overhears that Sentaro is planning to rejoin the jazz band after this, saying that he's "keeping his important partner waiting." That had me grinning. He basically had his whole side of the conversation he needed to have with Nishimi, showing his commitment to play with Nishimi.
So, Nishimi finds a way to communicate as well: by playing the piano, a jazzy rendition of "My Favorite Things," shortly thereafter joined by Riko on the drums. Their performance draws a much larger crowd. As Rika thinks, their passion really comes through in this performance, almost coming out as a means of saying what they can't say to one another as they remember what brought them together before literally running off together, Nishimi thinking he feels like he has wings on his feet. It's interesting that this is one thing the show shares with Samurai Flamenco: an awesome pair of guys who just click on a level that goes beyond their words. They really make this show.
Favorite episode so far.
Oct 16, 5:36 AM
Jun 2019
Sen appears like he gets that Yurika has a crush on Bro Jun but goes in for the kiss anyway, and almost looks like they'll kiss, despite her weak protests, when they see Bro Jun in a sorry state. Maybe it was only a bit of flirting between Bro Jun and Yurika and an infatuation, although it seemed like he was interested at first, but now he referred to her as 'your [Sen's] girl'. Unless ofc he had a tumble in the sheets with her and no longer interested.
Nishimi is still being standoffish with Sen. You can feel the tension between these two, and for ep 7 of a show, I really believe it. These two are very good, and agree similar to Gotou and Hazama in Samurai Flamenco, although Hazama was a bit of a weak link there, whereas both Sen and Nishimi have distinct personalities that clash and attract each other.
I'm also impressed with the tight pacing, we move from build up of an event to the actual event very quickly, here the music festival. Other shows draw it out, but not here and I appreciate that.
Yurika says she gave into loneliness and betrayed Sen in the worst way, confirming both that she knew of Sen's feelings for her from the outset, but was drawn to the older, suave guy in Bro Jun, and secondly that something happened with Jun, which she may be regretting from her manner.
So Matsuoka wants to become a star to help his family, now did he mean that or was it manipulation? Either way, Sen is helping him for that reason and Nishimi overhears Sen explain himself to his bandmate.
Nishimi takes to the piano to keep the crowd entertained whilst they try and fix the issue with the power. Sen jumps in on the drums and we get a perfect encapsulation of expression through music, Sen and Nishimi joining together, letting their musical talent speak where words failed. It was captivating. Remember gigguk listed this ep in his top 10 eps of all time and I can see why.
Very good ep.
23feanorOct 16, 5:42 AM
Oct 16, 8:35 PM
May 2019
Episode 8
Yep, Nishimi and Sen are rockstars at school now. Their performance earned it, but they're clearly not interested in the accolades, running away from the crowds with Riko in tow.
Turns out, Jun's left the basement, no idea where to. He was disowned by his father after dropping out of college. Sen worries that he left because of his punch, but Nishimi helps cheer him up. Real bros right here.
Yurika finds Jun, but he seems entirely distant now. He eventually lets her into his apartment. He seems inclined towards imposing himself on her physically, but she calls it out as nothing more than attempt to get rid of her and is right. Jun wants to be alone with his drugs and alcohol. Yurika responds by cutting her hair short to become a new person so she can be with him, but this triggers memories of a guy named Roy that sets him off. We get glimpses of their past together where Roy fought a losing battle against the police on their cmapus and broke his hands, ruining his chances of playing the saxophone. Roy dedicates himself to the movement, but Sen leaves, not wanting to see anyone else hurt. Yurika, nonetheless, supports him. And others note the changes in her around school, including Sen, who prepares for a confrontation with Jun himself, only to end up running away heartbroken when he sees them together in Jun's apartment. Yurika is confronted by her father, who rejects Sen as a viable prospect, while her mother makes an appointment at the gynecologist. Can't imagine what that's about.
One of the girls gives Nishimi a gift via Riko, who seems both jealous and drawn to Nishimi herself for the first time so far. Another instance where you could see something building between them. Maybe she's moved on from romantic feelings for Sen? Well, not quite, more like she's starting to realize that her romantic feelings have taken a new direction, even as she tries to reject that view. Meanwhile, Nishimi is trying to not so subtly direct Sen to realize Riko has feelings for him, failing to see her affections shifting to him. It takes a bit longer, but Sen figures it out.
Oct 17, 6:31 AM
Jun 2019
Episode 8. So Bro Jun has dropped out of college, joined a political movement (think I heard something about the student political movements in Japan in Hyouka) and ended up disowned by his dad. Those events, and whatever happened between Jun and Yurika all took place over summer break.
Nishimi's attempt to cheer Sen up is priceless, trying to imitate Jun, lol.
Yurika sees Jun and she reflects on 'one winter day in the basement', so maybe it was a while ago and a one off. Whatever happened before (it's still not really clear, maybe they just kissed, maybe something more, but it sounds like she got the brush off and was upset) they're definitely hooking up now with Yurika being invited into his apartment. She clearly still likes Jun a lot, to the point she goes into his apartment to hook up. It's not really defined, but that's ok, it's messy and that's how it comes across.
Nishimi gets a present from a girl, and looks like Riko isn't sure what to think about that. Could it be that Riko will do a 180 and develop feelings for Nishimi just as Sen gives up on Yurika and realises Riko was there all along. Now that would be messy.
Ok, I was wrong, Yurika and Jun begin by talking, until he pushes her down, as if to force himself on her, but it's an act to drive her away and she calls him out on it. He says he's a good for nothin who's lost his place in society and she should go home. In answer she cuts her hair short, she's serious. She's all in on Bro Jun.
Sounds like Jun was an inspirational member of the student movement, even though he feels he didn't do much, and this led to his buddy getting his fingers broken and being unable to play the sax. So he feels like a fraud and guilty.
I think Jun and Yurika only kissed that night before in winter, but it was enough for her to fall deeply for him, and now they are actually together, she's there to support him, which is sweet. He's down and she's there to help him in his time of need. Just hoping he doesn't skip out on her.
Sen finds Yurika at Jun's and takes it hard, feel for the guy, but the signs have been there for a while, even he noticed something was up between them.
Sen opens up to Nishimi about Jun and Yurika, who attempts to clue him on Riko's feelings for him to soften the blow. Nishimi is one solid dude, trying to pull them together when it hurts him, that's one good friend.
Yurika's dad isn't happy with Jun as her bf, and wants to set her up with someone he's picked instead, yay lucky her. And yeah sounds like she may be pregnant. So she must've known and told her parents about Jun.
Sen finally realises Nishimi was talking about Riko!
Oct 17, 8:40 PM
May 2019
Episode 9
Jun receives a perturbing letter.
The students discuss Christmas plans, with Nishimi opting to put distance between himself and Riko for the occasion and attending a Christmas party. He doesn't seem enthused about being there, though. Riko and Sen go to church, as expected, now with Sen focused on what he's learned of Riko's feelings.
They all end up leaving and Nishimi ends up running into Riko by accident. Nishimi, for the second time, assumes Riko's making something for Sen when she's clearly making it for him and this time she tells him off for it. It's a rough point of communication as Riko already rejected Nishimi and Nishimi has come to assume her feelings based on what he knows. This is how you make interactions like this believable. Riko, seeing this barrier and knowing that she can't give him the gift, ends up tossing it.
She runs into Sen at the record store who apologizes for not understanding her feelings. Riko laughs him off, saying he got it wrong. I guess she's moved on from her romantic feelings for him after all. I guess she has moved on from him, and now that she's acknowledged it (and accepted her feelings for Nishimi), she returns to retrieved her gift from the trash.
Yurika's not pregnant, but her parents clearly don't want her to see Jun anymore. Jun may be taking them up on that, now planning to head back to Tokyo and help out a friend with his publishing company. Once again, Yurika feels abandoned, but wants to give him the space to move forward.
Yurika and Riko end up running into each other and have a heart-to-heart. Riko decides to tell Nishimi how she feels with Yurika's encouragement. Meanwhile, Jun and Nishimi also meet, the former resolved to leave and the latter to ensure Sen at least says goodbye. Nishimi finds Sen, but he rejects the opportunity. Nishimi punches him, but all that does is create more distance. Later, Jun shows up of his own volition, and we learn that the letter was Sen calling Jun out for a musical showdown, which the others join in with, but it's not harmony they create in their clash. As Jun's leaving, Sen says he'll remember this for the rest of his life, and Jun says he will as well.
Yurika confronts Jun at the station, asking four questions. We find out a lot from these questions, mainly about Jun's reasons for keeping her at arm's length (and yes, they only kissed). She apparently accepts his decision and seems prepared to return to her parents and their arranged marriage for her (she left a meeting they were having for it), but he drags her on the train, accepting his and her feelings at last.
We end with Nishimi receiving a pair of knitted gloves at last.
Oct 18, 6:31 AM
Jun 2019
Agreed, Riko and Nishimi's interaction is more believable than usual highschool romance anime (except Kimi and Dangers) as Nishimi is quite right to assume she likes Sen, she as much as told him so, and it was plain from her behaviour, so ofc why would he think anything's changed now. Riko for her part understands she's acting irrationally, having a go at Nishimi for something he couldn't possibly be expected to understand (ie her feelings for him) when they aren't exactly clear to herself. Some good introspection.
One thing this show does well, although these are teenagers in love, they can think rationally and act like adults (this is a stupid phrase 'acting like an adult', as adults are just as prone to acting out as non adults, although teenagers are known to be a tad melodramatic when it comes to matters of the heart). Nishimi and now Riko have both had quiet moments of reflection on their behaviour and realised what they did was irrational.
And in the next scene we get Sen talking to Riko about her feelings after his own moment of reflection. He probably compared how he felt about Yurika and Jun and imagined how Riko was feeling for him if she does like him, and the hurt he may have inadvertently and unknowingly caused her. Sen asking her directly seems to have clarified Riko's feelings for Nishimi. I like how Sen slowly worked these things out for himself, slowly and in his own time, and then tried to address the matter using the breadcrumbs from Nishimi and what he'd learned in his entanglement with Yurika.
I appreciate how this show has gone about Riko and her feelings. People change their minds, and feelings fluctuate over time. Being told someone loves you, as Nishimi did with Riko, can have a delayed effect, which in this case it seems to, along with Sen's feelings for Yurika. Riko has moved on and talking to Sen appears to have crystallised this for her. This wasn't sudden and I think it's been about a year since Nishimi confessed and kissed her, which was last winter iirc (they had just brought a present for Sen for his bday), so plenty of time for someone to have a change of heart.
In talking to Yurika we hear from Riko how much Nishimi's support meant to her. She was aware what it cost him to support her in her pursuit of Sen, even though she wasn't getting anywhere as he liked Yurika at the time. Now she's ready to admit to him that her feelings have changed.
Nishimi tries to light a fire under Sen's butt and bump him into speaking to Jun before he leaves for Tokyo. Which works, as Sen challenges Jun to a musical duel, cool.
Some raw expression through music, just brilliant. The music and clashing of their instruments tells the story better than any dialogue.
So Jun and Yurika only kissed, bit shocked, why go through a pregnancy test, maybe Yurika wanted her parents to think she was sexually active to dissuade them from the marriage meetings. Puts Jun in a new light for me, guy must've really liked her and not just been after something physical, or didn't want to take advantage of her and risk getting her pregnant. The show did a good job of subverting my expectations with him. I was sure he was going to get her pregnant and disappear, I feel bad for misjudging the guy.
Damn that was so sweet. I thought Yurika was messing with Sen from the beginning, and just looking for the hot suave guy for a bit of fun, an infatuation, a bit of something different from her boring pampered life and turns out she was yearning to find love and escape from parents who wanted to control her life and arrange her future. Jun realises this when he hears her parents shouting for her saying she has to return to the marriage meeting. He drags her on board and they say what next 'the train has left the station', both figuratively and literally. Both Yurika and Jun and their romance was completely different to what I thought would happen, god I'm jaded and cynical. this show keeps the surprises coming in the best way possible.
Nishimi gets his gloves.
Oct 18, 9:08 PM
May 2019
Nishimi, who has never allowed himself to believe that Rika might have feelings for him (he has spent a great deal of time distancing himself from that hope and pushing her towards Sen for that reason) finds Riko waiting for him at school and depressed that he isn't wearing the gloves. He then finds out about Yurika eloping with Jun and though he runs to Sen, dude's already come to peace with the news, seeing off the award-winning painting she made of him. Sen's in a much more stable state despite Yurika's absence, and his brand of carefree brings Nishimi to his senses (at least for now) and he puts on the gloves, complimenting them to Riko. Attaboy!
Both Riko and Nishimi seem college bound, but Sen seems doomed to drop out. Nishimi's not having it, so he helps his friend cram with stiff resistance. While he's there, we get the tropey scene of Riko walking in on Nishimi in the bath (at least it's not the other way around). This does lead to them talking about the mittens, and Nishimi asks the obvious question about them and Sen, but Riko who has only recently accepted her feelings can't say it yet. Nishimi worries that this means she still has feelings for Sen, which may well be true in a sense. She may not be romantically interested in Sen any more, but those attachments are still there.
Sen being the guy he is, he marches Riko over to Nishimi's house to wish him well while he's recovering from a fever and give him some bananas. Nishimi still believes it's Sen she likes, and while the man is a bro among bros, it's finally time for Riko to clarify her feelings and help Nishimi get his groove back. Despite his fever, he stumbles down the stairs and, looking his absolute worst, he literally shouts out his love where his family can hear. So they almost share a kiss (and a cold) until he just collapses in front of her.
After his recovery, Nishimi bemoans his lack of progress with Riko, but is driven by competition with Metsuoka to play with Sen. Seems Sen will be distracted, though - his father (uncle) is coming home. His past indiscretions, particularly being violent while drunk, weigh on Sen and the family. He's still driven to play with Nishimi, though... something's wrong. He has something he's trying to write, but can't, and sends off a pigeon in the early morning. That's ominous. Is he leaving?
Oct 19, 3:56 AM
Jun 2019
Nishimi acknowledges the gift and thanks Riko. You can see why he's on guard, asking Sen whether he got a present. If you've already put yourself out and been rejected, you aren't going to just assume every little gesture means something more. Riko really needs to clarify matters ,leaving it to Nishimi is a bit much, but that is how girls can be, they won't directly say it first, but will give every indication they want you to say it. But if you've been burned once, you'll be more reticent about putting your hands near a fire.
Sen's grades aren't up to snuff and Nishimi's is all hands on deck to bring him up to speed. Lots of metaphors there, lol.
Riko walks in on Nishimi in the bath, nice to have it the other way around, although Ranma did it first. He then asks her directly about the mittens, and why she gave them to him. Riko isn't ready to explain herself just yet.
Nishimi gets a cold and Sen drags Riko over to see him. I think Sen has a good idea of Riko's burgeoning feelings for Richie, which is why he gently pushes her to visit on her own. What I also like here, is the way we can see that although Richie (easier to type than Nishimi) knows Riko may like him, he's still jealous of her relationship with Sen, which is becoming more familial over time. It's a deep bond, but no longer romantic. When you fall for someone, you suddenly find yourself jealous of everyone who's close to them, completely irrationally, and you know you're being irrational, but you want to be the only person they look at and the person with the closest bond to them, and that makes you jealous, even if it's not logical. The situation with Richie has conveyed that well without any character outlining what's happening or explaining another's or their own feelings for the benefit fo the audience. Watching how Richie is acting I was like 'I remember that irrational jealously, boy that was weird'.
Maybe because of his illness, Richie opens up about Riko and Sen, 'he [Sen] even makes me swoon once in a while', I love this guy. Love this coming together, Riko says 'I had confidence because you gave it to me when no on else did, and I need you to be confident about how you feel, otherwise I might lose mine'. She's saying I like you, but need to know you still like me too. Richie does and professes his love on the porch in his pj's.
Sen's uncle is returning and from the looks of it this prompts Sen to pack up his things, maybe he wants to avoid confrontation, or doesn't feel like he belongs anymore?
Oct 19, 10:00 PM
May 2019
Damn, already at the penultimate episode. This series has moved surprisingly fast.
Richie (yeah, I'll shift too) predicts Sen's exit and goes to intercept. Holding back the bigger man proves to be a test of wills, but he holds him back long enough to wake everyone else and keep him there for now. Richie's a strong guy, but afterwards, he literally leans on Riko for support.
Sen's father returns, but despite everyone else's happiness, Sen himself keeps emotionally distant. He receives an expensive fountain pen as a gift. While it's often a gift for a writer, I think the implication here is that Sen should use it toward his success as a student. It's also a show of support, and given the lack thereof Sen has likely received, it affects him. Sen resolves to stay and play at the festival, perhaps having granted some forgiveness to his adoptive father. Guessing it won't be that simple.
And so we return to practice with the store owner. Richie worries that they don't have the pizzazz to secure the win at the festival, and they recruit Riko to sing to boost them. It's interesting that, in the English dub, they seem to have a different VA (it sounds like the Japanese VA doing a passable job singing My Favorite Things, they do the same for Sen who briefly uses more broken English).
After a night of playing, Sen finds that Richie left a music sheet behind and goes to deliver it to him. On the road, a car swerves into his lane. He ends up in the hospital (no festival for any of them), and Richie rushes to be by his side. Sen's somehow injured but OK, but Sachiko (his sister) apparently went along with him and suffered head trauma. Still, Richie once again finds himself on the roof, looking at a blanket-covered Sen, just how they met. He blames himself, thinking he can't protect those around him. They both succumb to sadness, sharing tears in an earnest moment on that roof.
In the end, Sachiko wakes from her surgery and Sen disappears, leaving his rosary behind. We find out that the rosary was a form of attachment to the world around Sen, a way to ensure he wasn't abandoned even as his family abandoned him. What does leaving it behind mean? That he's embraced that abandonment, leaving everything behind? Richie, with no leads to where he is, plays Sen's drums in frustration and despairs.
Oct 20, 3:17 AM
Jun 2019
The pen seemed to mean a lot to Sen, as he reflected on a parent-child relationship, one he hasn't ever properly experienced, maybe the uncle is trying to make up for that.
Are you watching the dub then? It's often the case then insert songs in dubs, especially ones supposed to be sung by the cast, use the original version. It's quite rare for the dubs to get someone to sing, which is why instances like the song by Hamon Crowley in the Origins OVA sticks out, also all the One Piece dub songs are great like Bink's Brew or Sniper King's song. Bro Jun's singing earlier on was pretty good and Riko's Japanese VA does a pretty good job.
So Riko will join the trio for the festival performance.
Sen gets hit by a car, turning point.
Sachiko was on the bike also, and injured the worst.
Absolutely love the background music when Richie goes up to the roof to find Sen, haunting rock with choral vocals on top, tres bon. Damn that scene had me shedding a tear as Sen breaks down, comforted by his friend.
Sachiko recovers but Sen takes off, leaving his rosary.
Oct 20, 2:32 PM
May 2019
Episode 12
Richie is doing better in school, but his teachers attribute that to the absence of Sen (an "impediment to his studies"). They open up the roof as well, allowing everyone to hang out up there. Richie, understandably, doesn't join in - this was a special space for the two of them, and he's still raw (probably several months out) from Sen's departure. It's initially unclear how Riko feels, but she's clearly been avoiding Richie, or maybe he's been avoiding her.
They end up being pushed into meeting, and Richie makes clear that his focus is on his exams and not on music. He puts on a brave face, but he's clearly hurting and suppressing how he feels in front of others. It leaks out, though, when he roughly tells Riko to stop talking about Sen. At first, it does look like Richie and Riko are getting closer when they kiss, but there's little romance in this scene, particularly after he pushes her down and says he's happy to have her all to himself, which is just about the worst thing he could have said (and one he clearly doesn't mean - Sen helped them get together in the end). Doesn't help that he's planning on going to college in Tokyo while she's staying here, a double whammy that hits Riko hard and has Richie running from his shame.
Time skip to graduation (it can occasionally be hard to keep track of these, but it's really nice to see that the show doesn't engage in overnight fixes) and, yeah, there's more distance between them now. Richie calls up to her in her room and tries to say how important she is to him, but she doesn't respond. Soon enough, Richie's on the train headed to Tokyo. Just beforehand, he receives a gift from Riko's father including lunch made by Riko. She shows up late, and runs after the train and waves him off. I'm a sucker for these sorts of scenes, no matter how tropey they are, and this relationship has been built so well that it had me teary-eyed.
Big time skip (8 years). Richie is a trainee neurosurgeon who clearly did pretty well for himself in school. We learn that Matsuoka's become quite the famous performer. He reminds Richie that, while he achieved his goal, his dream of playing jazz is left far behind. He runs into Yurika at the hospital who is pregnant and happy with Jun. Sen remains MIA, but she has a photo with "someone we know" in it. Immediately, Richie takes off for the location in the photo seeking out a young priest-in-training. Once again, he removes a sheet from something prone... and finds a drum set in the church. Yep, that's Sen alright, hair slicked back and priest robes on. Richie begins to play the organ, drawing Sen who recognizes his playstyle, and they jam like it's high school all over again, drawing a crowd of children. They're flushed out by the head priest who rejects their "devil music" (why would he allow the drum set in the church in the first place?) running away together around the island until, coincidentally, they run into a certain woman. Why, hello Riko.
So yes, this was pretty great. I can see why the series is so highly rated. The music and relationships were the big high points for the series, and episode 7 in particular absolutely soared. A lot of the subtle communication and effective romance we've mentioned for other series are absolutely present here, even if it doesn't quite deliver as strongly in the end (I'll hand it to the series for not giving us a clean happily ever after, but I find it hard to believe that Riko and Richie just never communicated after that heartfelt train scene, and I felt that Sen's exit from the plot was a bit forced, even if their reunion was on point). It's a series that makes me want to see follow-up OVAs that fill in more of the time skips in the story, or maybe just read the highly rated manga. Generally speaking, my only substantial quibble is that they did jump around quite a bit, which made parts of the story feel rushed even when it acknowledged a lot of time was passing. Still, up there among my favorite watches we've done together. A pleasure as always @23feanor. 8.5/10.
whiteflame55Oct 20, 2:38 PM
Oct 21, 6:24 AM
Jun 2019
Richie and Riko struggle to get along without Sen, with little things reminding them both of his absence and what a hole he's left in their lives. Something like Sen leaving could either bring them together or push them apart, seems it's the latter.
Until he pushes Riko down, that was a wonderfully choreographed kiss; he leans in, so she knows he's close but she doesn't immediately turn towards him, their gaze flickering back and forth, his forelock tumbling into his face, Riko almost turning away, he leans in slightly closer, almost nuzzling her neck, then she turns her face to him and they gently kiss. That was art.
That was a dick thing for Richie to say 'glad he's gone so I can have you whenever I want', think it's him lashing out at those closest to him, which is Riko.
They graduate without anything more happening, and now he's off to to uni in Tokyo.
I also appreciate the fact you don't get overnight fixes and time passes before things and people change, whereas in your usual romance anime there has to be a deux machina fix without the next few scenes or else. This is another facet of josei I'm learning, which mirrors real life. Sometimes things go bad and look like they won't work. Fast forward months or years and hey presto new life blooms again. Problem is that most audiences don't want to see that, they want a happy ending all wrapped up in a bow, and that includes me, most of the time.
Riko running after the train is cliche, but man it got me too.
Time skip to the epilogue 8 years later. Richie is a doctor. Matsuoka is a singer, he'd feel more at home in Samurai Flamenco than this show.
Yurika is pregnant and looking well. Her and Jun were an exceptional background romance.
So Sen became a priest. I'm not clear on whether this is same hometown where they all went to highschool, but maybe a different church to the one Sen and Riko were part of. They mentioned an island?
Cool reunion with Richie on the organ and Sen on his drums. And there's Riko, smiling to see Sen and Richie reunited.
Solid ending.
Think I eulogised quite a bit on this one, and that is usually a good indication I'm enjoying a show. Gave it a 8.4/10, only criticism might be the slow start, looking back at my comments it took until ep 4 until I was really invested, but once invested the show kept me hooked till the end and only got better. It's a good barometer for me, if a show keeps you hooked from first ep till the last then it's earned a high 8/10 or higher. It wasn't a bad opening few eps but it didn't grab my attention from the outset.
Couldn't help myself and looked it up, Richie and Riko do end up getting married in the manga. Maybe the show was leaving those plot points dangling in the hope of a second season, but agree with you, an OVA or movie wrapping everything up would've been a nice cap stone.
Thanks as always @whiteflame55, with Xam'd and SF, we've had a good run of shows recently. I know Texhnolyze is going to be dark, but I enjoy watching a variety of genres. We've all got covid, including Aria and we assume Theo too, so been a bit miserable, but this show has been a fun little distraction every day.
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